What does it mean to be a Child Sponsor?
As a sponsor, you will receive the name of your child by email, along with periodic photos and other correspondence. Your monthly investment will provide food, medical and dental care, education, spiritual enrichment and Christmas shoes.
The protection of Ecuador's most vulnerable children is our top priority. Unlike other sponsorship programs, due to privacy laws, we are not able to post pictures of each child individually for you to choose. However, shortly after you sign up to be a sponsor, you will receive an email giving you the choice of your child's age range and gender. After you complete your choices, you will be sent welcome information including your sponsored child's name, age, city, and more. Over time, you and your sponsored child will develop a relationship through photos, shared communication and intentional prayer requests. Loving the "least of these" is an investment that leaves a lasting impact on your sponsored child and on you.
Would you prayerfully consider choosing a child to sponsor today?
We care for orphans and children at risk in Ecuador. Our programs are like two hands holding each other. One hand is Orphan Care. The other hand is our Community Centers where we focus on strengthening families. Our programs are designed to prevent children from being stuck for generations in the cycle of extreme poverty.
With You International knows that our strength lies not only in the value of caring for the abandoned, but with equal importance, caring for the families who are living in crisis. Empowering them is our focus through our programs and projects. Every child, no matter their life circumstance is loved. At With You International, our mission is to share the message that they are NOT ALONE.
Programs with Intentionality: Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, and Financial Transformation
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
James 1:27 NKJV
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